Weigher bagger with “high accuracy”
For the best and the most efficient accuracy on the market. For high quality outputs.Weighing with 2 thresholds, quick filling, memorizing and instant recall of weighing parameters, count and totalize weights, by getting the preset weight, the small belt will adjut the final weight (accuracy: + 30 gr/per weight), allows financial gains, trapdoor to regulate the product onto the belt.
Opened frame for better flow onto the belts, end pieces adapted to your packings (10 to 20 kg). Laser holes in the frame for easy cleaning of the belts, frequency converter(s), special storing for smooth filling of the bags, digital color touch sreen.
by getting the preset weight, the small belt will adjut the final weight,
electric or pneumatic door opening activated by waterfoof footpedal,
adapted belt with cleats to get the best flow onto the belt,
trapdoor to regulate the product onto the belt,
opened frame for better flow onto the belts,
end pieces adapted to your packings (10 to 20 kg)
protected stainless steel sensor,
digital color touch screen for the best weight accuracy (precision + 30 gr),
motoreducers at the top of the machine,
PVC belt(s) with guiding profile underneath
strongly built in stainless steel with low vibration and high stability,
stainless steel shaft(s), PVC cylinders, plastic plummer blocs with bearings equipped with greasers,
Rollers to move easily,
Hopper with extra heights sideways,
Special end piece for nets (2 to 5 kg), for trays (30 kg), for baskets on adjustable shelf, rubber belt, washing tunnel, converter for setting up on a boat (generator is not supplied).
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